Sunday 15 May 2011

A space to yell, think and share.

Welcome to my blog. My name is Carey Moore. I am a journalist and a writer. I am interested in many things in the world. In particularly, I like politics (both domestic and international), science (especially astronomy and physics) and satirically looking at popular culture.

I am using this blog as a platform to share ideas I may have, vent about things in the news and write articles that may not suit the reader of whatever medium I am working for at the time. I'll also share amusing anecdotes.

Generic journo disclaimer: Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the organisation(s) which may be hiring me.

Feel free to leave a comment on any post you like and did not like. Feel free to also email me at Carey.R.Moore(AT)gmail(DOT)com or follow me on Twitter (@Carey_Moore) or Facebook (

I hope you can all enlighten me as much as I wish to enlighten you.